ECRD Established

Leiden, The Netherlands, 6 July 2020 - A group of parliamentary, legal and gender experts from the Netherlands, Belgium, Moldova and Serbia, founded the European Centre for Representative Democracy (ECRD), a new foudation that will deal with issues of democratisation, parliamentary and institutional development, support to democratic development of representative bodies at the national, sub-national and supra-national levels of governance.
Based in Leiden, the Netherlands, ECRD will function as a not for
profit, expert foundation, delivering technical support to representative
institutions globally, focusing on policy and law making, oversight, electoral
processes, institutional reform, communication, and outreach.
- ECRD shall strive to provide effective and tailored support to emerging democratic parliaments and governments, enabling them to deliver on their functions at national, sub-national and municipal levels, being committed to the principles of the rule of law, accountability, representativity and citizen's participation - Johan Hommes said, one of the founders and the first chair of the Foundation's Managing Board.
ECRD is expected to finalise inception phase by end of 2020, and launch its activities and operation in 2021.