Managing Board

Over 13 years of experience in international organizations (OSCE, UNDP, EU) as project manager and team leader in several democracy programs (North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Moldova, Lebanon, Jordan, Georgia), and more than 16 years experience in the Parliament of the Netherlands. Areas of expertise: parliamentary committees, legislative processes, political parties' development, women in politics. Holds master's degree in Constitutional Law. Get in touch:
Law practitioner since 1992, specialized in employment law, both in public and private employment relationships. Before becoming a lawyer, she worked at the university. She obtained her doctorate with a thesis on the privatization of social security. Afterward, she cooperated in a parliamentary inquiry into executive organizations in social security. Her special focus areas are integrity issues, whistleblower issues, and equal treatment cases. Get in touch:

Expert with over 11 years of experience in democracy support, with focus on election observation and electoral assistance. She has worked with prominent international and not-for-profit organisations, such as the EU, the OSCE/ODIHR, and International IDEA, in Europe, Africa and the MENA region. She has an MSc in Law and Gender Studies, and in Management. Get in touch:

Consultant and public policy analyst with a strong focus on institutional and parliamentary development. Areas of
expertise: parliamentary committees and oversight, development of political
parties, parliamentary groups and caucuses, CSO engagement. Over 13 years of
progressive experience gained in international organizations, CSOs, public and
private sectors, and in parliaments and government institutions of Serbia, EU,
Jordan, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Morroco. Get in touch: